scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. Its, an automated message sent in the event of the death of the president, Xavier says. . Anyway, last time on Battlestar Prometheuswe basically got the plot of the miniseries regurgitated incorrectly to us; with the events of the canon three-hour backdoor pilot being twisted out of order, mixed with random plot points from the 2004 TV show, and every major character being given the Ctrl-C+V treatment with characters from X-Men. Theres an entire squadron out there!. Why would you complain if you were being bossed around by Patrick Stewart? who says this, not Tigh. Commander Minerva, latest report in from Fleet Command, Jean says, handing a sheet of paper to Marie. Shes floating. Title: Battlestar Prometheus Author: Ruin Queen Of Oblivion Topic: Battlestar Galactica/X-Men Media: TV show/multimedia comics franchise Genre: Sci-Fi/Adventure URL: Battlestar Prometheus Critiqued by Crazy Minh & Major Wade Hello Patrons, and I hope you've had a happy 2020 so far! Canon!Adama never tells Gaeta to find any space traffic, and I think all he tells Gaeta to do is to give him a sitrep on the system, and to find where the main fight is going on. Please, Ill pay you, get me off this planet, I have cubits! One of the civilians shouts. I dont see how a Viper can get caught in the launch tube. Proudly serving the community since 10th of March, 2005! Now, in the original scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. Second offno. Gaeta is responsible for the DRADIS, not communications; and thus Forge is also not responsible for communications. Or do you just not know what actually happens in BSG? She has never been to the heart of a star before. The fic hasnt been updated since 2013, and this is the last chapter published. Uh, Elysium, I could use a hand over here, Alicia says kind of sheepishly. How many people do you think we can fit aboard and still make orbit?. - and gets picked up by the Galactica, before Boomer's sleeper personality is awakened.Things get weird. Also, they want to know why they're all girls in space now. Now picking up 10 enemy fighters correction, 8 fighters., Raptor 259, hang back while we investigate, the CAG says. Library of the Damned The Most Horrible Fanfiction Ever Penned. Colonial Warbook. Marie (who is not a God) looks up at the DRADIS Gods, half expecting to see a God appear on it at any Gods-given moment. Following its return to the twelve colonies it leads the war against the agents of death themselves, the Cylons! Anastasia Dualla. She moves the targeting sensors so that she has a clear shot at the missile, and squeezes the trigger, weaving from side to side as the missile does so too before finally hitting it with a lucky shot. Ended at the beginning of season 2. So the intercom in this version is controlledby, Third off, the Catapults are old tech, but I dont see how that means anything. Cannonball, can you confirm?. Did I Make the Most of Loving You? Synopsis: As the Cylons ravage the Colonies and exterminate the human race, they will find themselves at odds with an ancient menace, whose destiny is intertwined with that of the Galactica and her fleet of survivors. Im sorry Lieutenant, this is still old tech, the technician says with a shrug, Scott slams his fist down on the console. It makes my think meat hurt. They were last used to launch Galacticas last squadron of Viper Mark VIIs. battlestar prometheus fanfictionkos list vrchat. Trying to stay within the story of BSG 2003, but I have not watched Caprica or Blood and Chrome so may deviate from those two. No two soldiers were the same, and every war was different. Colonel Howlette, start searching for a munitians depot, something that we can use to arm ourselves, Marie continues. This is the Commander, prepare for combat, scramble Vipers, she says as the Cylons get closer and closer. Along the way Prometheus make astonishing discoveries, including, an entire space fairing civilisation. The battle of Caprica part II. When we hear more, Ill let you know.. It doesnt flash, it makes a beeping sound! David Breidis: Art Work Designer, Creative Contributor. [Insert BSG Character Here] tags, theyre not to say that its wrong that the BSG characters have been replaced with X-Men characters. to raid ammunition depots, mainly because they were busy being destroyed by the Cylons!!! Posts about Battlestar Prometheus written by TacoMagic and BatJamags. There would be time to mourn later, now they had to get to land. Confirmed Renegade, The Captain says. She didnt survive two wars to die this easily., I know, and I pray to the Gods that youre right, Alicia says. UmOK, so I think I need to explain what a Hybrid is here. Theres not much worth commenting on- other than the sheer waste of potential from this fic- and to be honest, the first chapter is where most of the nonsense came from. They know that the Cylons can jump in at any time, raining fire out of the sky to burn out the last remnants of humanity. I believe Lt. vv380. As such, thisreplacementcannot possibly exist. Weapons free, The CAG says. They project the power of Sae'tzar and the Conclave across the seventeen worlds of the Alliance and beyond. Seriously? Or anything thats actually worth reading. Terms of Service. List of Secondary and Escort Warship. Unlike the prologue, this chapter heading means nothing. Why did you do that, Elysium??? Now its Boomer and Helo as well that are being replaced. Its also Gaeta who says this, not Tigh. Hello Patrons, and I hope youve had a happy 2020 so far! Also, how does she know our Elysium? The Hybrids are also sentientor so it is assumed. Prometheus and Covenant are almost doing that to Alien as well. Location: 29 Palms/San Bernardino [Insert BSG Character Here] tags, theyre not to say that its wrong that the BSG characters have been replaced with X-Men characters. Work Search: Can Bill save her? How dare you tell him that she spoke words at one point! My Destiny fanfic, Outbound Hopes, is mostly an adaptation of the Destiny plot. This is definitely not [Insert BSG character here]! I, Charles Francis Xavier. Really? I figured it was currency, but it was more fun to think of it this way. There are also comic book art by Chris Scalf, poetry, and much more! Who the fuck is Admiral Abernathy? This is an alternate universe of the cannon BSG 2003, so there will be changes/differences. So, like all good authors, . Captain, were picking up something, Jubilee says, tapping her wireless. Squadron of bogeys, Wait, clearing up interference, Sam says. battlestargalactica. What she didn't deserve was this weird happily-ever-after where she woke up in bed with her spouses (spouses, plural, what the frak?) The other ships in the fleet didnt have. Oh god, shes a dimension hopping OC!!! I am now imagining Patrick Stewart as a government official, and this is amusing to me. Welcome to the Battlestar Galactica Wiki! Even if the Prometheus is an older ship, were still Colonial Fleet, theyll come after us eventually.. Each launch tube has a series of bulkhead doors that keep the air in while the Viper is being loaded, and a door that closes behind the Viper so that the ship doesnt decompress when they open the launch tube doors. Battlestar Galactica:Storm Break A work of Battlestar Galactica 2003 Fanfiction By Alexander Raines (Grey Wolf Knight) . The mission leader, Dr Elizabeth Shaw, is in search of mankind's creators. Gustavo Herrera. Its actually [Insert corresponding X-Men Character Here]!. Although we have seen fics that were so full of vague that even after a big reveal the audience still had no idea what was going on. A while back I read a fantastic fanfiction by Ryan A Keeton called Battletar Prometheus. Its actually probably unfair to use Hotpoint here, since me and Minh both agree that XSGCOM turned out to be a decent story that the grammar dragged down, along with the regurgitation without change. I find it very hard to believe that there hasnt been any hatred in 25 years. Um, no. If anyone tries to rush the Raptor, they will be shot.. Anastastia "Dee" Dualla. You really did make a difference to her.. To do honor to the office of the President of the 12 Colonies of Kobol, Xavier repeats. Its heavily implied that these hallucinations are actually alien beings who are running some sort of looping experiment on humanity, under the orders of the being that the humans know as God. Tweet This is. In the X-Men canon, mutants are highly feared by many members of society, or are treated with distaste. Thats when it happens, his Viper suddenly goes dark as he starts to pull the trigger. Today, we cover the second and final chapter of Battlestar Prometheus, a BSG fic with the entire cast replaced with the X-Men for reasons that are currently unknownmuch like the Cylons nebulous plan. UPDATE 2017-11-14: There is now also a sequel in progress which is better-proofread and mixes in Harry Turtledove's Worldwar with a satisfying amount of focus on an apparently OC world that humanity chooses to help liberate from The Race. Id kill to meet him in real life! Immediately it can be ascertained that I wrote most of this three or so months ago. Any ammunition for her fighters was probably whatever the ship had left in supply. That if they actually owned the properties, theyd be filthy rich, and would probably not write this fanfiction when they can order the writers to make them episodes/issues to order? Lt. This gave me the idea of modifying an old Galactica and updating it to fit in with the new.So,. Towards the back of the crowd, Robert Kelly Not!Baltar is looking around nervously. Come explore the Universe of Battlestar Galactica. Well, here comes chapter 2 of Battlestar Prometheus, there are still many a mystery left to be revealed, not the least of which is the identity of the 12 Cylons like in the show, but one greater mystery remains. It was only when they reached Ragnar that she got ammo for her main guns. They were last used to launch Galacticas last squadron of Viper Mark VIIs. They have no indication that the Cylons are responsible, and yet Not!Adama here jumps to that very conclusion. As such, each Hybrid is confined to a pool similar to that in which the Cylons resurrect after death. Elysium, Im picking up a Cylon missile on intercept course for your position! Alicias voice is heard over the wireless communicator, the DRADIS in the cockpit confirms the reading from the Viper. There was no getting stuck, it was a faulty part. Title: Battlestar Prometheus What can we really say that hasnt been said before? tag as part of the riff, but the story is not written this way. Forge, this guy pops in my head. Hes also human, and hes flawed, just like everyone else. What about the children? A womans voice calls out. That was extremely quick. In fact, she hasnt exhibited, After this comes more regurgitation, but to be frank, none of it is very notable. Battlestar Prometheus is a fanfiction crossing X-Men and the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series written by Ruin Queen of Oblivion. Battlestar Prometheus. Id love to see a story where the events of BSG are significantly altered by the presence of mutants. Marie looks up at the DRADIS screen, half expecting to see a contact appear on it at any moment. None of the story takes place in the Star Wars universe. Central questions of the show include: The remaining five models are the Final Five, but that arsine subplot isnt relevant to the Miniseries, or even worth mentioning; fourth season being what it fucking is. Bill arrives in the afterlife, Laura was right once again. And for 25 years, there has been no resurgence of violence between humans and mutants, Xavier says. Back when we first started all this, it was never about the politics. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. She unrolls a scroll, and places it in front of her where Xavier can reach. Episode Eight: Dead Saint Day (To be released February 6, 2011). Internet - Chris Reyes ("Atolm") No. Yeah, sorry Mr. Secretary, Alicia says. This is presumably the oddly-named Irene Adler, AKA Destiny, who I call oddly named because she is apparently not related to the character of the same name from the Sherlock Holmes novels. Yes maam, what can I do to help? Scott asks. Battlestar. That sounds like what youd call moon spiders in Kerbal Space Program. the radio signals of the DRADIS ping have to travel at the speed of light, bounce off a target, and then travel at the speed of light to get back to Galactica) and thus would take a long time to pick up that fight even IF they had the requisite range? The Battlestar Prometheus also acknowledges other great organizations with the Prometheus name such as the Battlestar Prometheus SIM and the Battlestar Prometheus Chapter of the Colonial Defense Forces fan club. Tese (doutorado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Comunicao, Programa de Ps-graduao em Comunicao, 2018.Na era da convergncia, interessa estudar as relaes entre os meios de comunicao. Her nukes had been removed; her ammunition magazines had presumably been emptied of the majority of their contents; her small arms lockers still had stuff in them, but were probably being stripped while she was on her way to her final destination; she only had six Mark VII Vipers that were presumably going to be a exhibit. Part of her whole character arc in both the comics and the movies is that she cannot get intimate with anyone, for the fear that she will kill them. YES! War Crimes. Frakked up was a way of life, and it was exactly what Kara deserved. I wish I could offer more insight than namedrops, but these substitutions arent doing anything but namedropping. Well have to manage, I dont care if we have to throw rocks at the Cylons, well fight them somehow, Marie says. In the years prior to the Fall of the Twelve . Battlestar Wiki is the oldest and largest repository for information on the various installments of Battlestar Galactica, covering the gamut from the Original Series to the Re-imagined Series and beyond. They already had all their other stuff ready to go. Battlestar Prometheus - BSG01 Gunstar Argo - GSR0101 CO: RADM D. Tajalle XO: Cdr. Shes not immortal, but oddly long-lived, and precognitive. We also cover supplements, notably comics and novels, via our Separate Continuity policy. this artical refers to the fiction by Ryan A Keeton, for information on other uses of the term see Battlestar Prometheus (Disambiguation). Please tell me youre kidding.. I dug out a folder of old ficlets and decided to post (or re-post) some of them. Battlestar Gemicon is a hybrid work of fan fiction and live play by post and chat role playing game. The Most recent episode has been downloaded almost 1000 times. Lieutenant Forge, have you had any progress on locating us something to shoot with? Marie asks, looking at Forge. I got the idea from the Battlestar Prometheus fanfic and its fan art featuring its own version of the Eastern Alliance. However one gets caught in the launch tube, piloted by Scott Summers who is not looking happy. The President's life is in jeopardy and it's only a matter of time until it's too late. Thus, we have 'Battlestar Prometheus', a crossover with X-Men, which is 90% . You can always enjoy the original and treat the rest as fanfic, which they basically are Reply . How many people do you think we can fit aboard and still make orbit?. Battlestar Galactica RPG D20 - Fan Made. Lieutenant, is everything all right? Xavier asks, Alicia looks at him and nods. Yeah, and it took a war with the Cylons to actually make it work, Alicia says. Hawk. Mostly BSG 2003 canon typical elements, CWs provided for content atypical of the series. However the explosion leaves the Viper damaged and left floating in space, but its pilot still alive. vv380. Now, Im taking a break from Trapped for a while longer- since I really need to work up the energy to slog through that piece of literary scum- so next time we look at a BioShock stufic with one of the most limp-wristed Gary Stus to ever come through this library.