Placing the Temperance card into practice means that one has the ability to protect our mental and physical states from being drained by negative energy. If youre single, youve been showing your hand too soon when it comes to your romantic interests and need to start playing things a little more coy. Addressing these areas will provide you with the boost you need to feel healthy and energetic again. The angel pours water between two cups, symbolizing the flow and alchemy of life. The bond that they have created is very strong, and it can indicate that the two are joined in marriage, and other close and intimate relationships. Be patient, continue seeking balance, and the rewards will come. The Four of Cups represents the human tendency to take things for granted. Or maybe you aren't speaking up enough? The universe will never guide you into a life or death situation and then abandon you- there is always a lesson to learn or an unexpected way out. (Pisces or Aries? Vekke Sind, The Fool Tarot Card Meanings, A Complete Guide! However, when it describes someones opinion of you, the reversed Temperance card indicates that you have made an unfavourable impression. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. I recently spoke with Dr. Everett L. Worthington, Jr., the lead author of the paper, to discuss his research. Maybe you are not getting what you truly deserve, and this leaves you disappointed. Part of being able to stay calm, even when the smallest events threaten to throw you off course, is having faith that the outcome will either turn out well or is ultimately beyond your control. Advertise with us. Rather, you are patient and prepared to simply go with the flow. Sometimes, it may be trivial things, such as worrying about whether you brought your keys, and at other times crucial events, such as having your career on the line. If you are proactive about it, more funds will find their way into your bank account. It just means that they tend to rely on themselves, whether theyve been forced to early on or just by their own nature, and tend to express their emotions directly. A sense of agitation and lack of balance makes them feel uneasy. Temperance will appear in the outcome position of a Tarot reading to indicate a content future. Keep your place, observe, and interfere only when you must. ), conscientiousness-based virtues (like justice, self-control, courage), and epistemic virtues (like wisdom and curiosity). Stabilizing your energy and allowing the life force to flow within you without effort or resistance is what you're being asked to do. It's often thought of as a card of inaction but it's not; it's element is Fire and that angel isn't inactive, just careful with what she's doing. Alternatively, this card can reassure you that a situation is completely under control and all is working in harmony. The Three of Wands is a card of wanderlust that is aided by Temperance in any reading that occurs before you begin setting out on an adventure. There may also be a blockage in maintaining your spiritual health. Depending on personal experiences also, the card can refer to a place where you feel the most anxiety or stress in, or even where you have to endure the ghosts of past traumas. Theyre attracted to your prudence, thoughtfulness, and patience. You might think this is about forgiveness, to either forgive or ask for it, but Temperance makes a quite different point. Emotionally fickle, impulsive, and focused on the short-term. Temperance is one of the cards that can sometimes suggest that the person you are with, or will be with soon, is a soulmate. The Universe will respond to your requests, as long as they are humble and realistic. - Henry Clay. This card represents balance, control over our lives, and absolute equilibrium. The keyword here is effective. Over the millennia, there have been many ways of dividing up the human virtues. As opposed to its upright position, Temperance reversed asks you to avoid staying neutral in this situation. No spell removal upsells, we promise. Temperance rewards doing the right thing, especially when it is difficult. Theyve calmed down and healed to the point where you can rebuild your connection in a healthy, constructive manner. It signifies the perfect balance of love, commitment, and mutual respect among soulmates. It implies that this person is willing to work with others to figure out a solution. They posited that there were six core virtues, each of which was made of several of the 24 character strengths. Committing is necessary because it helps one H, Hold onto forgiveness if you doubt you've forgiven. Our partners should be our safe havens from the world. They could worry that youll end up with someone else if they dont hurry up. This is the vibe of the person who says, if you love them set them free, if its meant to be, it will be. If youve always wanted someone to grow old with, youve drawn the right card and met the right person. When we lean into these qualities, we build trust. This can also be a chance to reconnect or rekindle a relationship that has gone cold. This could translate to feelings that are neither hot nor cold, no clinging, and no aversion. Maybe this is something that youve hoped for to happen (within reason, of course), or have been worrying about for a long time. They are dependable and are always ready to listen and constructively work at problems. The situation has not been resolved quite yet. Reversed, the Temperance card could refer to a place that is quite busy, frantic, or high-paced. You should be sure to balance your checkbooks and divide your time among essential matters. You and your person love with compassion and patience. The Temperance card represents someone who is emotionally mature. This might annoy them, but its alright. There is also almost an other-worldliness to the imagery on the card. Also, humility is a buffer against relationship harms. Temperance in reversed is a reflection of something that is out of balance and may be causing stress and anxiety. Think about whether you are either dwelling on past events or worrying over future events. If youre not yet living with your partner, this card is a good omen for cohabitation. There is no blame to assign and forget here. As women strive for equality within the relationships, . If you are in a new relationship, Temperance as love outcome means smooth sailing ahead. Have you ever been in a situation where everything seems to be going wrong, and despite wanting to re-centre yourself, being caught up in the chaos prevents you from even doing that? Although an abstinence pledge had been introduced by churches as early as 1800, the earliest temperance organizations seem to have been those founded at Saratoga, New York, in 1808 and in Massachusetts in 1813. Updated on January 28, 2019. Grab your copy here. The angel pours water between two cups, symbolizing the flow and alchemy of life. You will experience healing on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Is it true, though, or just an excuse? Click here to schedule an initial consultation with Mark or another member of the Awake Therapy team today. Your relationship may only be on a short-term basis. Contents of website is Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2022) not to be reproduced without permission. Alternatively, workplace chaos or disagreements may be around the corner. If you have any bad habits that could compromise your health, this is a good time to try and get them under control. There have been over 75 randomized controlled trials investigating the efficacy of forgiveness interventions, and other trials are proving the effectiveness of those interventions in communities and many cultures. So, emotional forgiveness is replacing those negative unforgiving emotions with positive other-oriented ones like empathy, sympathy, compassion, or love for the person who offended us. Stay safe. Third, forgiving also increases hope and lessens both depression and anxiety. They could be a healer or have other psychic abilities and are able to combine different aspects of any given situation to create something new and fresh. One minute they are so done and over you, the next minute they wish they could get you back and spend the rest of their days with you. When there is emotional tension between two people, a few angry words or a sign of disrespect can be the drop that makes the cup overflow. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. While you navigate a situation, the spirits are on your side, helping you achieve the best possible outcome. So, saying "I forgive you" is not forgiving, but can be part of reconciling. Prohibition usually refers to making it illegal to manufacture or sell alcohol. Temperance is the card for bringing balance, patience and moderation into your life. The person you may be asking about is unfortunately not a soulmate. They are the archetypes of light, exemplars of benevolence and compassion, in contrast to the Devils darkness. Stress, worry, and anxiety are negative energies after all, and they can all feed off our positive energy to knock even more aspects of our lives off-balance. Temperance reversed indicates that your finances are well-balanced, that you have the right amount of money coming in and going out every month. See if you can reach a middle ground with the other person. Hopefully, persevering throughout this period will end in an even stronger relationship. Question concerning Major Arcana Correlations. Everything will be restored back into order and peace will once again ensue. Read an inspiring book and rest generously. An illustration from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. Forgiveness is another strategy that can be practiced in combination with seeing justice, turning the matter over to God, tolerance, forbearance, minimization, and acceptance. According to the researchers, improving temperance has the potential to smooth problematic relationships . If asking about love, then an emotionally fulfilling connection is on the way. Perhaps what you wish for is not possible or you have overlooked a small yet important detail that is going to cause problems. We started that plant up with *zero* system issues based on . A personalized FREE Love Tarot Reading, combines your date of birth, your name and a point in time to give you an accurate reading. Temperance fits snugly within Aristotle's system of virtues except that Aristotle saw it as more rationally chosen than we understand it today. Are you interested in knowing whether a potential mate cares about you? We are often best served by taking a moderate, patient, and balanced view towards life. The Temperance card reversed suggests that you are in danger of giving up on yourself. The real meaning of the Temperance card can be deciphered using the other cards in the spread to identify areas where this imbalance is being caused. Improving temperance through forgiveness, humility, and patience interventions. Youre more likely to regret the things you didnt do later on rather than those that you did. We often see the Temperance card as a card that encapsulates an optimal balance between not just all areas of life, but also between the spiritual and physical realms. Second, the longer you seriously try to forgive, the more forgiveness you'll experience. But also to find pleasure in what he does, taking on the . Being other-oriented to elevate others instead of putting them down. This is the stroke of luck that saves us when we are on the brink of destruction, the miraculous convalescence of terminally ill patients. The Temperance card which introduces peace, moderation, patience and a sense of balance in life also gives you a clear outlook and a new perspective in terms of love relationship as well as for work & career. Finding inner peace will enable you to make a huge difference to your exterior with minimum effort. It may seem generic, but ultimately dealing with just one small obstacle in the present and moving on will remove an enormous burden off your chest. An imbalance that will throw you off-track might occur soon. 3 of pentacles is traditionally related to work. The Temperance card exudes an energy of calm, serenity, and moderation. Sometimes we get too caught up with our goals and forget everything else. Mark received his B.A. This is also a card about alchemy or mixing and matching. Astrologically associated with Sagittarius, the Temperance card is a very high-vibrational card. We cant please everyone in life. The Temperance card in the reverse wants us to not sacrifice long-term goals for short-term gain. In the current polarized social climate, such moderation is often lacking. However, this isnt too big of a deal, as Temperance upright assures you that youll be able to establish a good equilibrium. An angel stands, with one foot in the water and the other foot firmly planted on land. This is a relationship that can be seen as a perfect fit, as you work extremely well together. The future is not very clear at the moment. You seem to be able to keep your playfulness balanced with responsibility, and joyfulness balanced with sincerity. It could be a misunderstanding or something truly serious causing this. However, the Temperance card also asks for balance. All things considered, the angel of Temperance is an archetype of benevolence. I always say its better to strive for consistent contentment than happiness, because happiness can go up and down. Questions concerning relationships are usually quite high on the list in readings and, perhaps, one of the most frequently asked is the possibility of reconciling with an ex-lover or partner. Similarly, having a passionate personality is not a negative thing. Temperance - Love and Relationships Temperance would indicate that your relationship is in a harmonious state. What does the Temperance Tarot Card mean in Friendship? This intuition is the kind that actually stretches forth from our human desire to participate in religious beliefs, which require that overarching hierarchy. Temperance will appear in your Tarot reading as a sign that your ancestors have your back. The orange triangle within the white square is spirit grounded in matter, the holiness of nature! This is also a great time to ask yourself about your goals. If your person has anger issues, perhaps seeking help to manage their emotions could be helpful. If you are wondering about a potential relationship, Temperance as love outcome means this person feels youre a good match for them. Id love to hear about your experience. You start with small steps and implement small improvements to your life. What Zodiac Sign is March 20? Vekke Sind, Sun Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! Its a sign that youre on the right track, making the right choices that will ultimately be helpful. Temperance urges us to embrace patience, moderation, compromise, diplomacy, and the middle path. Intuit what feels right, and dont be afraid to make changes in order to focus on those long-term goals. Drawing this card would indicate a well-balanced relationship: low on the drama, high on the vibrations. Trust builds a strong connection over time. Death Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More! Temperance is a card of physical, emotional, and spiritual balance, so perhaps it can indicate areas such as places of worship, a therapists place, an assigned place for meditation, or even reiki healing practices. You may be morbidly overemphasizing the chaos and disruption that would come with change and growth rather than focusing on the regeneration and liberation that could be yours. This relationship survives off the patience, moderation, empathy, and compassion that both of you contribute to the relationship. Temperance reminds us that caution, prudence, and thoughtfulness have their place. This may result in impulsivity, mood swings, or even anxiety and depression. Yes, the future of this matter looks peaceful and content. The presence of the angel in the midst of this natural environment adds to the mystery. Reconciliation is restoring trust in a relationship. My track record illustrates years of successful people-centered, high . Perhaps the lesson here is to know when you need to take appropriate action when required, but also when to step back. This person (or you) could have some healing to do. Good things come to those who wait and know to never ask for more than they can handle. In an upright position drawing Temperance signifies that when the going gets tough, you are someone who is able to remain calm and rational, who wont let stress get the better of you. In the past position, Temperance indicates that your ability to work harmoniously with others while balancing the material and spiritual elements in your life has had a profound affect on your life to date. Its therefore very easy to read this card as a positive, strength, or advantage in a Tarot spread. She is perfectly balanced between both realms, patiently performing her eternal task. Too much restraint is tiresome, if not lame! They may not want to negotiate at all or may want to work individually. Give yourself a chance to rest and reset. Once you do you will be far better equipped to make the right decisions and find solutions to the issues you face. We could swim against the tide, desperate to avoid toppling over the high waterfall and falling to our deaths. Temperance can be interpreted as pouring some water in your wine and being ready to compromise for less than what youve asked for. In a relationship, the Temperance signifies an emotionally mature and balanced relationships. They've learned from those failed relationships and all they want now is a peaceful connection. Temperance avoids extremes and prefers the middle way. After youve gone through an extremely stressful time, you will find yourself in a relaxing space with room to breathe. Avoid rushing forward without planning ahead. You have every right to ask your partner to seek help. Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. It seems to me that serious differences of opinion and approach are going to appear, and that both people are going to need to learn and grow in order to gain the potential benefit from this pairing. According to Professor Fred Luthans, people with high levels of positive psychological capital have high levels of: hope, efficacy, respect, and optimism. What you are hoping for will slowly start to manifest and your life will be improved. In contrast, you may have been struggling through the work, and feel that the end goal is no longer achievable. Privacy Policy. However, it also advises to be patient and let the relationship unfold naturally. By Take good care of yourself, exercise, get enough rest, eat well, do all the things you know you need to do in order to stay healthy. They may want to bring different people or things together and is willing to stand as a mediator to find a way through problems or differences to achieve a common goal. They may have had some negative and dramatic relationships in the past. There may well be something even better just around the corner. Your fears can be wiped away, because the Temperance upright suggests that you will be satisfied with the result. It may be a personal goal that seems to be collapsing. This is the way that we process change. It signifies overcoming struggles and reaching a point of perfect equilibrium. However, in reverse, the future is not so positive. Perhaps it would be prudent to think about the cards equivalent in the first ten Major Arcana: the Emperor. What Zodiac Sign is the Temperance Tarot Card? In the Rider-Waite deck, the card reveals a winged angel-like figure in the centre, with one foot on the ground and the other in the flowing water. In this case, Temperance can mean that you will finally have control of your time, finances, and resources. Temperance foretells good feelings. The other is that you should assess the situation and see how well it is working with other areas of your life, such as your health. You may have experienced a blow-up recently. At times you seem otherworldly and ethereal, but you also have a stable anchor in reality. It advises you to achieve a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. You work well together. Temperance reversed in the future position sends a straightforward message: lower your expectations, be modest. Stay up late, have some tasty chocolate at the end of a long day, do something that is out of character for you. That doesnt mean disagreements and conflict never happens. An unabashed positive psychologist, you will often hear him preaching the simple but powerful wisdom, "the more you can replace bad thoughts with good thoughts, the happier, healthier, and more successful you will be." The word angel means messenger as in messenger of God, so this card might sometimes refer to a sign from your Higher Self, or actual messages, mail, and correspondence. Moreover, this signifies the reconciliation of opposites in a middle ground and the prudence to water our wine down, to avoid extremes, to live with moderation and emotional restraint. You can sort out the mundane details of your life tomorrow. It is interesting that such a blunt fire sign is paired with the calm flowing waters of the Temperance card. Temperance in the outcome position shows that the end result will be favorable. I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. Temperance preceding the Justice card has the meaning of a long legal process with an outcome of equity and justice. The Temperance card will appear in the outcome position of a Tarot reading to indicate a content future. Some may get a favourable deal on a lease agreement. Making a wish for another person puts divine power into action. Patience is waiting calmly for a desired outcome. An avid Tarot reader from the age of 7, Lisa believes that divination should be effortless, personalised, and meaningful. That sounds pretty positive for a 3 months old relationship A case of Opposites Attract maybe, to outsiders the couple would appear as compatible as chalk and cheese and yet they make it just takes a little skill, effort, time and do all relationships. This card constitutes a blessing that should not go to waste. When referring to career, the Temperance card in reverse urges you to be responsible with career opportunities. In the reversed position, the Temperance card shows that their intentions may be to deliberately sow misfortune, cause problems, or create disturbances. There are several instances where the values and virtues that were identified in the ELI could be applied to workplace situations. Theyve learned from those failed relationships and all they want now is a peaceful connection. As mentioned earlier, I sometimes also interpret Temperance as symbolizing the presence of an ancestral spirit. Temperance can sometimes predict that youll make your home your nest through gardening and decoration. This is not the time for you to go it alone in any professional capacity. Expect to have a stable and loving relationship. Granted, this person is not the calmest, but learning to effectively manage impulses or emotions can play greatly in their favor. It should balance you out and bring out the best in you. You are using an out of date browser. If youre single, Temperance serves as an indication that you will learn to balance other areas of your life so as to make room for a new, special lover to come into your world and swoop you off your feet. No one is willing to compromise. Is the Temperance Tarot Card a Yes or a No? Temperance predicts a happy home life, especially when combined with a Nine of Pentacles or Four of Wands. Here is a summary of our conversation. Sometimes, you are forced to start again, and recreate who you are now with the loss that you have experienced. is the news and publishing division of Awake Therapy, a telehealth company that provides online psychotherapy, counseling, and coaching to individuals, couples, families, and organizations in over 40 countries worldwide. Maybe you need to exercise more frequently, quit smoking tobacco, or eat a more balanced diet. Cultivating inner peace can be a challenging thing. Unfortunately, the reversed Temperance card points out a certain degree of emotional immaturity. Temperance is about feeling comfortable, healthy, and balanced. Tagged: Tarot, meanings, interpretations, Temperance, Major Arcana, historical, business, career, love, relationship, feelings, yes or no, positive, negative, future, prediction, predictive. Reconnecting with nature is also extremely vital for relaxing our bodies and minds and re-aligning ourselves. Even though it can generally be interpreted as a positive tarot card, it's important to keep an eye on the surrounding circumstances and don't make any hasty decisions. One is that the situation is actually working out well. Unfortunately, you cannot change either of these in the present moment. The card shows a tower structure in flames, surrounded by clouds and a bolt of lightning. Funnily enough, if the card is turned upside-down, the water between the cups remains in its flowing state. Summary. They could be a healer or have other psychic abilities and are able to combine different aspects of any given situation to create something new and fresh. Right now, I don't perceive it that way. If you are asking about what is the outcome of a relationship, and you draw Temperance reversed, that means that there is disharmony that needs to be addressed. Restore that balance to prevent it from impacting your physical and mental health. It might also be a sign that youre about to receive an unexpected message, or that its time to text an old friend. The ideology of the Temperance card is that achieving this mindset of tranquillity and patience will align us in the direction of our Higher Selves. ), Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! There is no universally agreed-upon scheme for classifying virtues, but most agree that virtues are interrelated with each other to some extent. The angel's robe is simple but in the centre of the cloth lies a bold orange triangle within a square; this shows the Earth's connection to the holy trinity whilst the . A fire sign of optimism, freedom, and passion, they reflect the dedicated and resilient nature of Temperance. Closing old chapters and beginning anew. The robed figure is a winged figure, suggesting that the figure in the Temperance card is an angel. Temperance reminds us that we must avoid going to extremes. 1 represents the beginning, creation and initial ideas. It signifies the perfect balance of love, commitment, and mutual respect among soulmates.